TRANSrisk article on Guiding the low-carbon transition with evidence-based policy tools

Thursday, 1 February, 2018 - 14:15

An interesting article explaining TRANSrisk contribution in guiding the low-carbon transition with evidence-based policy tools was published on the European Commission's website.

More particularly, the article indicates the need for exploitation of the large volume of knowledge and experience accumulated through extensive research, in order to implement robust climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. Alongside, the innovative approach of TRANSrisk to couple economic computer models with input from stakeholders is highlighted. Moreover, TRANSrisk's technique of identifying and addressing the risks, uncertainties, potential conflicts and synergies of implementing low-carbon policies and technologies across advanced and developing economies. Also, TRANSrisk's case studies are briefly demonstrated and preliminary results are presented. 

The article is available online here.

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