
Dissemination TRANSrisk Publications

Dissemination Reports

Dissemination reports describe how the collected, processed and accumulated knowledge within TRANSrisk has been mobilised and effectively disseminated and communicated through a series of specific and concrete actions.


D8.1 Website created

D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan - Progress Update May 2016

D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan - Progress Update December 2016

D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan - Progress Update June 2017

D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan - Progress Update December 2017

D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan - Progress Update June 2018

D8.3 Conclusions from the events at participating countries, the final conference in Brussels

D8.4 Newsletters, scientific publications and presentations


A set of reports featuring TRANSrisk researchers' opinions regarding current affairs affecting climate change mitigation policy making.


TRANSrisk Commentaries Issue 1: "The times they are a changin': Positive and Negative impacts of low-emission transitions in livestock farming, the energy sector, and cities", December 2016

TRANSrisk Commentaries Issue 2: "COP22: A TRANSrisk Summary", December 2016

TRANSrisk Commentaries Issue 3: "What will Brexit mean for the climate? (Clue: it doesn’t look good)", December 2017

TRANSrisk Commentaries Issue 4: "Energising Kenya's future - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving development aspirations", March 2018

TRANSrisk Commentaries Issue 5: "Overcoming barriers to sustainable charcoal in Kenya", October 2018

TRANSrisk Commentaries Issue 6: "Risky business: Developing geothermal power in Kenya", October 2018

Policy Briefs

A set of reports featuring policy recommendations derived from TRANSrisk results.


TRANSrisk Policy Briefs, Issue 1: "Transition in the livestock sector: Exploring trade-offs in environmental policy", March 2017

TRANSrisk Policy Briefs, Issue 2: "European climate change mitigation targets: Exploring the potential contribution from behavioural change", December 2017

TRANSrisk Policy Briefs, Issue 3: "Understanding risks related to the decarbonisation of the European steel sector", December 2018

TRANSrisk Policy Briefs, Issue 4: "Integration of participative and modelling tools for assessing scaled up climate options", December 2018

TRANSrisk Policy Briefs, Issue 5: "Innovation Dynamics in Transition Pathways", December 2018

TRANSrisk Policy Briefs, Issue 6: "Could the Paris Agreement enhance the United Kingdom’s climate change strategies in a post-Brexit context?", December 2018

TRANSrisk Policy Briefs, Issue 7: "Risks and Policies: Part 1 - Learning about risks in transition pathways across different contexts", March 2019

TRANSrisk Policy Briefs, Issue 8: "Risks and Policies: Part 2 - Insights on addressing risks in general policy making processes", March 2019

Working Documents

A set of reports mainly laying a sound basis on which policy options can be formulated. For example, working documents may present methodologies, tools or indicators and empirical data.


TRANSrisk Working Documents, Issue 1: "Energy pathways for achieving Kenya’s nationally determined contribution to global efforts to mitigate climate change", November 2017

TRANSrisk Working Documents, Issue 2: "Macroeconomic implications of switching to process-emission-free iron and steel production in Europe", November 2017

TRANSrisk Working Documents, Issue 3: "Structural analysis of the offshore wind innovation system in Poland", December 2017

TRANSrisk Working Documents, Issue 4: "Optimal RES differentiation under technological uncertainty", December 2017

TRANSrisk Working Documents, Issue 5: "How Kenya can transform the charcoal sector and create new opportunities for low-carbon rural development", September 2016

TRANSrisk Working Documents, Issue 6: "Agent-based modelling: A tool for addressing the complexity of environment and development policy issues", December 2016

TRANSrisk Working Documents, Issue 7: "Pobreza Energética e Impuesto a las emisiones de CΟ2 en Chile", June 2017

TRANSrisk Working Documents, Issue 8: "How can we decarbonize road freight transport by 2030? - Stakeholder-driven scenarios for the future of heavy vehicles in Sweden", June 2017

TRANSrisk Working Documents, Issue 9: "Green Innovation and Economic Growth in a North-South Model", December 2018

Scientific Publications

Scientific publications have been presented through numerous scientific conferences, and published in widely recognised scientific journals.

TRANSrisk scientific publications are also archived at the Zenodo repository, and featured in the OpenAIRE platform


Here is a list of TRANSrisk articles in media and relevant platforms.


European Office of Cyprus News, Issue January 2016

"Livestock farming transition pathways in the Netherlands" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"Uncertainties and Risks for Climate Policy – a review" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"MATISE – System Mapping Tool" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"Assessing pathways for rapid solar PV expansion in the Netherlands" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

Coal Generation in Great Britain: The pathway to a low-carbon future

"Consider stakeholder preferences and knowledge for low-emission transition pathways" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"Evaluation of Indonesian transition pathways in biogas utilisation" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"Model runs for low-emission pathways based on stakeholder questions" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"New coal-fired plants jeopardise Paris Agreement" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"Tackling climate change can improve public health" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

Road freight transport decarbonisation in Sweden by 2030

"Mitigation implication of sea ice albedo feedback and tipping points in the Arctic" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"Implications of Permafrost Carbon Feedback for Climate Change Control" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"Energy for Africa: challenges and opportunities" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"Land of plenty? Assessing the land use impacts of renewable energy" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"Expert assessment of risks in climate change mitigation pathways" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"Guiding the low-carbon transition with evidence-based policy tools" (European Commission's website)

"A successful collaboration for green businesses and bioenergy in Indonesia" (European Commission's website)

"What will Brexit mean for the climate? (Clue: it doesn’t look good)" (The Conversation UK website)

TRANSrisk mention (MEDEAS project website)

"Nearly half a million homes in Chile suffer energy vulnerability" (LaTercera website - Interview in Spanish)

"Ice-free summers in Arctic Ocean could thwart Paris Agreement objectives" (AGU's "GeoSpace" Blog)

Radio Interview of Mikel González Eguino regarding the comparison of health co-benefits from air pollution and mitigation costs of the Paris Agreement (EITB website - in Spanish)

Press Release of BC3 regarding the TRANSrisk funded scientific publication "health co-benefits from air pollution and mitigation costs of the Paris Agreement: a modelling study" (BC3 website)

Reaching global warming targets under ice-free Arctic summers requires zero emissions by 2045 (CORDIS website)

"Exploring Public Acceptance of Renewable Energy in Kenya" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"Concluding the bioenergy workshop series in Bali" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"Electric Road Systems and the European Union" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"The carbon bubble and investment risk – getting capital costs 'right' in Europe’s electricity sector transition" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"Framework for qualitative assessment of side-effects of low-emission transition pathways in livestock farming in the Netherlands" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

"Are small modular reactors game changers for the UK electricity system?" (Climatechangemitigation.eu)

TRANSrisk Newsletters

Regular issues of TRANSrisk news.


TRANSrisk Newsletter: Issue #1, November 2015

TRANSrisk Newsletter: Issue #2, February 2016

TRANSrisk Newsletter: Issue #3, June 2016

TRANSrisk Newsletter: Issue #4, September 2016

TRANSrisk Newsletter: Issue #5, October 2016

TRANSrisk Newsletter: Issue #6, January 2017

TRANSrisk Newsletter: Issue #7, April 2017

TRANSrisk Newsletter: Issue #8, June 2017

TRANSrisk Newsletter: Issue #9, October 2017

TRANSrisk Newsletter: Issue #10, November 2017

Are you interested in TRANSrisk Newsletter?

TRANSrisk Newsletter: Issue #11, July 2018

TRANSrisk Newsletter: Issue #12, November 2018

TRANSrisk Press Releases

Ad hoc issues of TRANSrisk news.


TRANSrisk: First Video released

TRANSrisk: News & Events

TRANSrisk: Side Event at COP22

TRANSrisk Press Release: December 2016

TRANSrisk Press Release: Report on the Complementarity of Qualitative and Quantitative Analytical Tools

TRANSrisk Press Release: The Greece Case Study Overview

TRANSrisk Press Release July 2017: Call for Papers

TRANSrisk Press Release February 2018: Call for Papers

TRANSrisk Press Release: Stakeholder Workshop in Spain

TRANSrisk Press Release October 2018: Invitation to "Paris in Practice: Understanding the Risks and Uncertainties" Policy Lunch

TRANSrisk Invitation: Regional Workshop in Athens

Reminder: Invitation to TRANSrisk "Paris in Practice: Understanding the Risks and Uncertainties" Policy Lunch

TRANSrisk Press Release December 2018: Publishing of Open Access Book in Springer

TRANSrisk Press Release January 2019: TRANSrisk Online Tools

TRANSrisk Partners' Newsletters

TRANSrisk promotion via partners' newsletters


JIQ Magazine Vol. 21, No. 3 (October 2015)

TRANSrisk Weekly Newsletter - 14 December 2015

TRANSrisk Weekly Newsletter - 4 January 2016

JIQ Magazine Vol. 21, No. 4 (December 2015/January 2016)

JIQ Special - 26 September 2016

JIQ Magazine Vol. 22, No. 3 (October 2016)

JIQ Special - 17 November 2016

JIQ Special - 18 November 2016

JIQ Special - 30 November 2016

JIQ Magazine Vol. 22, No. 4 (December 2016)

ClimateChangeMitigation.eu Newsletter, December 2016

AGU & BC3 Joint Press Release, January 2017

ClimateChangeMitigation.eu Newsletter, January 2017

ClimateChangeMitigation.eu Newsletter, February 2017

ClimateChangeMitigation.eu Newsletter, March 2017

JIQ Magazine Vol. 23, No. 1 (April 2017)

ClimateChangeMitigation.eu Newsletter, May 2017

ClimateChangeMitigation.eu Newsletter, June 2017

JIQ Magazine Vol. 23, No. 2 (July 2017)

ClimateChangeMitigation.eu Newsletter, August 2017

JIQ Magazine Vol. 23, No. 4 (February 2018)

ClimateChangeMitigation.eu Newsletter, February 2018

ClimateChangeMitigation.eu Newsletter, May 2018

ClimateChangeMitigation.eu Newsletter, July 2018

JIQ Magazine Vol. 24, No. 2 (October 2018)


Here are the events (co-)organised by TRANSrisk


  • TRANSrisk - ConocoPhillips IRIS Seminar "Building bridges for Alberta's energy future: inclusive strategies for a sustainable future", 11 December 2018, Calgary, Canada

  • COP24 side event The Clean, the Dirty and the Unwanted: Capacity Building for Energy Transitions, 6 December 2018, Katowice, Poland

  • COP24 side event Increasing ambition in the low-carbon transition: challenges and implications of the 1.5 and 2 degree targets, 6 December 2018, Katowice, Poland

  • COP24 side event Climate Innovations for Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Transitions, 5 December 2018, Katowice, Poland

  • TRANSrisk Policy Workshop "Is it profitable to move away from coal in Poland?", 28 November 2018, Warsaw, Poland

  • TRANSrisk & SET-Nav Regional Workshop, 16 November 2018, Athens, Greece

  • GREEN-WIN, TRANSrisk and CD-LINKS Joint Policy Day, 7 November 2018, Brussels, Belgium

  • TRANSrisk Policy Lunch "Paris in Practice: Understanding the Risks and Uncertainties", 6 November 2018, Brussels, Belgium

  • TRANSrisk High Level Policy Event Low Carbon Pathways: Understanding Transition in Developing Countries, 30-31 October 2018, Nairobi, Kenya

  • TRANSrisk High Level Policy Event Decarbonising transport in the EU: scenarios for Swedish road freight in a global context, 18 October 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

  • Workshop "Tools for Measuring and Managing Risks and Uncertainties of Climate Change", 24 August 2018, Santiago, Chile

  • TRANSrisk Internal Meeting, 15 June 2018, Chania, Greece

  • TRANSrisk Special Session in the 7th International Symposium & 29th National Conference on Operational Research, 14 June 2018, Chania, Crete

  • Joint CARISMA & TRANSrisk side event at UN Climate Change Conference April 2018 (SB 48), 8 May 2018, Bonn, Germany

  • 3rd Bioenergy and Electrification Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bioenergy for Climate Change, 8-11 April 2018, Bali, Indonesia

  • Renewable Energies and Energy Transition in Spain 2030-2050, 23 April 2018, Madrid, Spain

  • Interdisciplinary training session for risk and uncertainties at the Graduate Collage, 13 March 2018, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  • TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop on low-carbon pathways in Alberta, 12 March 2018, Fort McKay, Alberta, Canada

  • TRANSrisk session at the 3rd annual Environmental Gathering: Create the Future, 10 March 2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  • TRANSrisk Consortium Meeting, 24-25 January 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

  • TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop on steel sector decarbonisation, 17 November 2017, Vienna, Austria

  • TRANSrisk side events at COP23, 6 and 9 November 2017, Bonn, Germany

  • TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop on Risks of low-carbon transition in Poland, 12 October 2017, Warsaw, Poland

  • TRANSrisk Modelling of Innovation Policy Options Workshop, 10-12 October 2017, Warsaw, Poland

  • Low Carbon Transition Pathways and Nuclear Power Workshop, 22 September 2017, London, UK

  • TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop on road freight decarbonisation, 5 September 2017, Stockholm, Sweden

  • TRANSrisk Workshop Assessing Uncertainties and Risks in the Transition to Low Carbon and Sustainable Societies, 3-4 July 2017, Bilbao, Spain

  • Workshop "Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Chile: Evidence and Challenges", 8 June 2017, Santiago, Chile

  • 2nd International Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bio-energy for Climate Change: Support Exemplary Solutions, Business Models and Enabling Conditions, 22-24 May 2017, Bali, Indonesia

  • Panel Session "Rethinking Risk and Transition Pathways", 5 April 2017, Melia Sitges, Spain

  • EC Lunch Debate: The Role of Behavioural Change and Human Innovation Systems in Mitigation Policies, 7 March 2017, Brussels, Belgium

  • TRANSrisk Mid-Project Workshop, 7-8 March 2017, Brussels, Belgium

  • TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop on steel sector decarbonisation, November 2016, Vienna, Austria

  • TRANSrisk side event at COP22, 18 November 2016, Marrakech, Morocco

  • TRANSrisk & Towards2030-dialogue Regional Workshop, 25 October 2016, Athens, Greece

  • TRANSrisk Case Studies Workshop in Brighton, 4-5 October 2016

  • TRANSrisk Quantitative Modelling Workshop, 19-20 May 2016, Graz, Austria

  • International Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bio-energy for Climate Change: Scoping and Envisioning, 11-13 May 2016, Bali, Indonesia

  • TRANSrisk Workshop, 9-10 March 2016, Athens, Greece

  • TRANSrisk Kick-Off Meeting, 23-24 September 2015, Brussels, Belgium


Here are the events in which TRANSrisk has participated


  • 4th International Conference on Engineering and Formal Sciences ICEF IV, 14-15 December 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  • AGU Fall Meeting 2018, 10-14 December 2018, Washington, D.C.

  • 100xCiencia.3 - Bridging Science and Society, 15 November 2018, Madrid, Spain

  • Climate Change Conference, 9 November 2018, Athens, Greece

  • EEB 2018 Annual Conference - Getting to the Europe we want – Actions to accelerate the Green Transition, 5 November 2018, Brussels, Belgium

  • 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency (RESEE2018), Nicosia, Cyprus

  • SET-Nav Modelling workshop, 11 October 2018, Berlin Germany

  • SET-Nav Energy Modelling Platform for Europe 2018, 25-26 September 2018, Brussels, Belgium

  • 18th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability, 13-15 September 2018, Baku, Azerbaidschan

  • 13th international conference of the International Society for the Intercommunication of New Ideas (ISINI), 30-31 August 2018, Wroclaw, Poland

  • SET-Plan workshop, 12 July 2018, Athens, Greece

  • High Level Workshop R&I contribution to the strategy for long term EU greenhouse gas emissions reduction, 28 June 2018, Brussels, Belgium

  • Workshop Mes de la Energia – “Hacia la transicion energetica: cambio climatico y pobreza energetica”, 28 June 2018, Santiago, Chile

  • 6th World congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 25-29 June 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden

  • 11th International Workshop on Empirical Methods in Energy Economics, 14-15 June 2018, Milan, Italy

  • 2nd Electric Road Systems Conference 2018, 13-14 June 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

  • Webinar on Risk and Uncertainties in Low Carbon Energy Transition, 31 May 2018, Tlemsen, Algeria

  • EWG-DSS 2018 International Conference on Decision Support System Technology & PROMETHEE Days 2018, 22-25 May, 2018, Heraklion, Greece

  • SET-Nav Stakeholder workshop, 14 May 2018, Brussels, Belgium

  • 19th Österreichischer Klimatag, 23-25 April 2018, Salzburg, Austria

  • 16th Special Conference of HELORS, 15-17 February, 2018, Piraeus, Greece

  • Decarbonisation project networking workshop, 7 February 2018, Brussels, Belgium

  • ECE’s 100 years anniversary event, 27 November 2017, Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens, Greece

  • ManuREsource 2017 Conference, 27-28 November 2017, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

  • H2020 Environment and Resources Info Days - Co-design: involving end-users and stakeholder, 9 November 2017, Brussels, Belgium

  • Seminar, IIASA, November 2017, Laxenburg, Austria

  • GCAM Community Modeling Meeting, The Joint Global Change Research Institute, 7-9 November 2017, College Park, MD, United States

  • CARISMA Workshop Building productive relations at the science-policy interface, 30 October 2017, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

  • 3rd SET-Nav Topical Workshop, 28 September 2017, Brussels, Belgium

  • SET-Nav Modelling workshop, 7 September 2017, Vienna, Austria

  • CARISMA/CTCN Radboud Summer School, 14-18 August 2017, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

  • IEW 2017 - 36th Edition of International Energy Workshop, 12-14 July 2017, College Park, Maryland, USA

  • International Conference on Economic Modelling (EcoMod 2017), 5-7 July 2017, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • BC3 Summer School Climate Change in an Era of Uncertainty, 5-7 July 2017, San Sebastian, Spain

  • WIEM 2017 - Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2017, 4-6 July 2017, Warsaw, Poland

  • EAERE2017 - 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 28 June - 01 July, Athens, Greece

  • International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2017, 18-21 June 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden

  • European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden

  • 6th International Symposium & 28th National Conference on Operational Research, 8-9 June 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece

  • AERE Annual Summer Conference, 31 May – 2 June 2017, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

  • Roads towards the transition and analysis of renewable energies for the mitigation and adaptation of climate change, 30 May 2017, Bogota, Colombia

  • Towards an energy programme in Asia: challenges, opportunities and approaches, SEI Science Forum 2017, 30 May 2017, Bangkok, Thailand

  • 4th Nuclear Futures Workshop, 27-28 March 2017, Sussex, United Kingdom

  • European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists - AURÖ Nachwuchsworkshop 2017, 14 February 2017, Basel, Switzerland

  • Towards2030-dialogue Policy Event at the European Parliament, 7 December 2016, Brussels, Belgium

  • SET-Nav Modeling Workshop, 24 - 25 November 2016, Trondheim, Norway

  • Towards2030-dialogue Final Conference, 22 November 2016, Brussels, Belgium

  • 9th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change,12-14 Oct. 2016

  • SET-Nav Stakeholder Kick-Off event, 28 September 2016, Brussels, Belgium

  • Optimus Final Conference, 21 September 2016, Athens, Greece

  • 15th WREC & 5th IRES, 19-23 September 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in H2020: Societal Challenge 6 and integration in other Challenges, 5 July 2016, Brussels, Belgium

  • ENSPOL Final Conference, 13 June 2016, Brussels, Belgium

  • The Benefits of EU Collaboration for Higher Education and Research, 9 June 2016, London, United Kingdom

  • Towards2030-dialogue Regional Workshop in Budapest, 7 June 2016, Budapest, Hungary

  • DIA-CORE Final Conference, 30 May 2016, Brussels, Belgium

  • Seminar: Implications of Rapid Arctic Change for Climate Stabilization, 17 May 2016, Oldenburg, Germany

  • SET-Nav Kick-off Event, 26-27 April 2016, Vienna, Austria

  • POLIMP Final Conference, 21 April 2016, Brussels, Belgium

  • 4th DIA-CORE Regional Workshop, 11 March 2016, Vienna, Austria

  • Towards2030 Roundtable, 10 March 2016, Hague, Netherlands

  • TRANSrisk presentation in CARISMA Annual Meeting,17 February 2016, Prague, Czech Republic

  • IPCC WG III Meeting of FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects for discussing possible contributions to the forthcoming Special Report on 1.5°C foreseen by the UNFCCC Decision at COP21, 1 February 2016, Brussels, Belgium

  • TRANSrisk Participation in 4th Student Conference of the Hellenic Operational Research Society (HELORS), 17-18 December 2015, Athens, Greece

  • 21st Conference of Parties (COP21), 30 November - 11 December 2015, Paris, France

Videos related to the TRANSrisk progress and/or events.



TRANSrisk Infographics visualise key concepts and/or results of the project.


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Flyer, Brochures, Posters, Presentations

Main concepts of TRANSrisk are featured via related dissemination material such as flyers, brochures, posters and presentations.


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