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TRANSrisk article on Guiding the low-carbon transition with evidence-based policy tools


An interesting article explaining TRANSrisk contribution in guiding the low-carbon transition with evidence-based policy tools was published on the European Commission's website

What will Brexit mean for the climate?


Researchers Michele Stua and Ed Dearnley from TRANSrisk partner Science Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex published an interesting article regarding the implications that Brexit could have on UK's climate change strategy.

TRANSrisk article in MEDEAS Project Website


An interesting article is available on the MEDEAS project website regarding the latest TRANSrisk workshop in Bilbao.

Interview on the TRANSrisk case study in Chile


TRANSrisk partner Clapes UC has given an interesting interview regarding energy poverty in Chile.

The interview was given to journalist Cristina Espinoza from the newspaper La Tercera and features insights from the TRANSrisk case study in Chile. More particularly, in the article the problem of energy poverty is highlighted, since 15.7% of the country's households is exposed to energy vulnerability. Moreover, this amount is estimated to reach 20% due to the expected rise of the electricity price.

Coal Generation in Great Britain: The pathway to a low-carbon future


Response to the open consultation request made by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy of the British Government.

AGU & BC3 Joint Press Release, January 2017


AGU and BC3 joint Press Release "Ice-free summers in Arctic Ocean could thwart Paris Agreement objectives"

European Office of Cyprus News, Issue January 2016


Dowload here the European Office of Cyprus "European News" - Issue January 2016 and read TRANSrisk article in page 3.

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