
TRANSrisk’s main objectives are to:

  • Create a novel assessment framework that incorporates risk and uncertainty into analysis of the costs and benefits of transition pathways and resulting policy design.
  • Design a decision support toolbox that helps policy makers better understand policy-related uncertainties and risks, and informs robust policy design.


In order to achieve these objectives we aim to:

  • Use stakeholder engagement in order to identify potential synergies, constraints and risks associated with alternative policy strategies and transition pathways.
  • Explore synergies and conflicts between energy system pathways and other societal objectives, including sustainable development, health, and green growth.
  • Examine the effects of alternative policy pathways on innovation dynamics.
  • Identify risks associated with different mitigation pathways, such as:
    • Risk of failure. Where do the risks of failure lie in a policy approach and what are the conditions that affect the chances of success?
    • Public acceptance. What factors associated with particular technologies and technological systems determine their acceptability amongst the public?
    • Economic risks. What are the economic risks within a particular policy? Can these risks be identified and mitigated by modelling energy (and other) systems under multiple scenarios using a number of different core assumptions?


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