Events & Interventions

EWG-DSS 2018 International Conference on Decision Support System Technology & PROMETHEE Days 2018, 22-25 May, 2018, Heraklion, Greece


TRANSrisk participated in the 4th International Conference on Decision Support System Technology – ICDSST 2018 & PROMETHEE Days 2018 which took place on 22-25 May 2018, in Heraklion, Crete, Greece.

SET-Nav Stakeholder workshop, 14 May 2018, Brussels, Belgium


TRANSrisk participated in the 4th SET-Nav Stakeholder workshop “Accelerating the transition towards sustainable transport" which was held on 14th of May 2018, at CEPS premises in Brussels, Belgium.


Joint CARISMA & TRANSrisk side event at UN Climate Change Conference April 2018 (SB 48), 8 May 2018, Bonn, Germany


CARISMA and TRANSrisk co-organised the "Strengthening institutional capabilities to support implementation of ambitious NDCs" side event at the UN Climate Change Conference April 2018 (SB 48), on 8th of May 2018, in Bonn, Germany.


19th Österreichischer Klimatag, 23-25 April 2018, Salzburg, Austria


TRANSrisk participated in the 19th Österreichischer Klimatag which took place on 23-25 April 2018, in Salzburg, Austria.

3rd Bioenergy and Electrification Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bioenergy for Climate Change, 8-11 April 2018, Bali, Indonesia


The 3rd International Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bioenergy for Climate Change is the last part of a series of annual bio-energy workshops, taking place from 2016 to 2018, which is organized as a joint initiative of the Ministry of National Development Planning of Indonesia (Bappenas), Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG), and the European Commission (EC) Horizon2020 projects: GreenWIN and TRANSrisk.

Renewable Energies and Energy Transition in Spain 2030-2050, 23 April 2018, Madrid, Spain


Within the framework of the Spanish case study, TRANSrisk partner Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) along with the Spanish Association for Energy Economics (AEEE) and the Spanish Club of Energy co-organised the stakeholder participatory workshop "Renewable Energies and Energy Transition in Spain 2030-2050", at Paseo de la Castellana, 257, 28046 Madrid, Spain, on the 23rd of April 2018.

TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop on low-carbon pathways in Alberta, 12 March 2018, Fort McKay, Alberta, Canada


The Graduate College at the University of Calgary, along with TRANSrisk partner Science Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex (SPRU) and The Graduate Students' Association co-organised the stakeholder workshop entitled "Creating a Common Language for Low-carbon futures in Alberta", on 12th of March within the framework of the TRANSrisk case study in Canada.

TRANSrisk session at the 3rd annual Environmental Gathering: Create the Future, 10 March 2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada


TRANSrisk partner Science Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex (SPRU) hosted the stakeholder participatory session "Consensus Building in Engagement Processes for reducing risks in developing sustainable pathways: community interests as core elements of engagement", on 10th of March within the framework of the 3rd annual Environmental Gathering: Create the Future, organised by the Alberta Ecotrust.

16th Special Conference of HELORS, 15-17 February, 2018, Piraeus, Greece


TRANSrisk participated in the 16th Special Conference of the Hellenic Operations Research Society which took place on 15-17 February 2018 at the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in Piraeus, Greece.


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