
15th WREC & 5th IRES, 19-23 September 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia


TRANSrisk partner SEI participated in the 15th WORLD RENEWABLE ENERGY CONGRESS 2016 (15th WREC) in conjunction with the 5th INDONESIA RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY CONSERVATION SUMMIT (5th IRES) held on 19 - 23 SEPTEMBER 2016, in Jakarta, Indonesia.

ENSPOL Final Conference, 13 June 2016, Brussels, Belgium


TRANSrisk partners JIN, SEI, and UPRC participated in ENSPOL Final Conference, held on 13 June 2016 in Brussels, Belgium, and had the opportunity to present TRANSrisk and its expected outcomes.

The Benefits of EU Collaboration for Higher Education and Research, 9 June 2016, London, United Kingdom


TRANSrisk partner SPRU participated in "The Benefits of EU Collaboration for Higher Education and Research" exhibition, held on 9 June 2016 in London, United Kingdom, and had the opportunity to present TRANSrisk and its expected outcomes.


DIA-CORE Final Conference, 30 May 2016, Brussels, Belgium


TRANSrisk partner NTUA participated in DIA-CORE Final Conference, held on 30 May 2016 in Brussels, Belgium, and had the opportunity to present TRANSrisk and its expected outcomes.


SET-Nav Kick-off Event, 26-27 April 2016, Vienna, Austria


TRANSrisk partner NTUA participated in SET-Nav Kick-off Event, held on 26-27 April 2016 in Vienna, Austria, and had the opportunity to present TRANSrisk and its expected outcomes.

SET-Nav is an EU H2020 initiative that will support strategic decision making in Europe’s energy sector, enhancing innovation towards a clean, secure and efficient energy system. It will enable the EC, national governments and regulators to facilitate the development of optimal technology portfolios by market actors.


POLIMP Final Conference, 21 April 2016, Brussels, Belgium


TRANSrisk partners IBS, JIN, UniGraz and UPRC participated in POLIMP Final Conference, held on 21 April 2016 in Brussels. They had the opportunity to exchange knowledge and opinions on climate policy actions.


4th DIA-CORE Regional Workshop, 11 March 2016, Vienna, Austria


TRANSrisk partner NTUA participated in the 4th DIA-CORE Regional Workshop, held on 11 March 2016 in Vienna, Austria. 

DIA-CORE is an IEE initiative that aims to ensure a continuous assessment of the existing policy mechanisms and to establish an active stakeholder dialogue on future policy needs for renewable electricity (RES-E), heating & cooling (RES-H), and transport (RES-T).


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