Innovation policies and transition pathways

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D6.1 Stakeholder mapping


In this opening Deliverable for Work Package 6, we elaborate on the concepts of innovation systems and the role of stakeholders, which are central to later tasks and case study analysis in Work Package 3.

TRANSrisk Working Documents, Issue 9: "Green Innovation and Economic Growth in a North-South Model", December 2018


The 9th issue of TRANSrisk Working Documents entitled "Green Innovation and Economic Growth in a North-South Model" has been published

TRANSrisk Policy Briefs, Issue 5: "Innovation Dynamics in Transition Pathways", December 2018


The 5th issue of TRANSrisk policy briefs entitled "Innovation Dynamics in Transition Pathways" has been published

TRANSrisk Consortium Meeting, 24-25 January 2018, Stockholm, Sweden


TRANSrisk Consortium Meeting on the identification of innovative policy options and the linkages to transition pathways took place on the 24th - 25th of January 2018, in Stockholm, Sweden.

GCAM Community Modeling Meeting, The Joint Global Change Research Institute, 7-9 November 2017, College Park, MD, United States


With a combined dissemination and training mission, Jon Sampedro and Dirk-Jan van de Ven from the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) participated in the GCAM Community Modelling meeting at the Joint Global Change Research Institute in Maryland.

D6.2 Report on Social Discourse Analyses and Social Network Analyses


The aim of Work Package 6 is to investigate the relationship between innovation dynamics and alternative transition pathways in selected TRANSrisk case studies. Building on the work on the stakeholder analysis work of D6.1, this deliverable sets out an approach to better analysing how these stakeholders act to shape and constrain innovation processes and associated transition pathways.

D6.3 Report on investigating agency at firms and individual household levels, including method/model documentation and analytical findings


D6.4 Identifying Innovation Policy Options in Transition Pathways


D6.5 Innovation Dynamics in Transition Pathways


TRANSrisk Modelling of Innovation Policy Options Workshop, 10-12 October 2017, Warsaw, Poland



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