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Webinar on Risk and Uncertainties in Low Carbon Energy Transition, 31 May 2018, Tlemsen, Algeria


In cognizance of the eminent threats of fossil fuels to the sustainability of our planet, the switch from fossils to renewables has become the global agenda in the field of energy and sustainability. While this transition is necessary to address global warming and climate change, it is also noted to have enormous risks and uncertainties. The African continent is embattled with tackling energy poverty and is caught between meeting demand with new renewable sources whiles switching from existing fossil fuels at the same time.

Decarbonisation project networking workshop, 7 February 2018, Brussels, Belgium


TRANSrisk participated at the decarbonisation project networking workshop, co-organised by DG Research and Innovation (RTD) and the Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME), on 7th February 2018, at the European Commission (DG RTD) CDMA building, in Brussels, Belgium.

ECE’s 100 years anniversary event, 27 November 2017, Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens, Greece


TRANSrisk partner Decision Support Systems Laboratory of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), participated at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the NTUA 100 years anniversary event, which took place on the 27th of November, at the Onassis Cultural Centre, in Athens, Greece.

The event communicated and promoted the academic & research activities and the achievements of the School, as well as highlighted its important social contribution.

H2020 Environment and Resources Info Days - Co-design: involving end-users and stakeholder, 9 November 2017, Brussels, Belgium


TRANSrisk participated at the Horizon 2020 Environment and Resources Info Days - Co-design : involving end-users and stakeholder, which was held on the 9th of November 2017, at the Charlemagne Building, in Brussels, Belgium.

GCAM Community Modeling Meeting, The Joint Global Change Research Institute, 7-9 November 2017, College Park, MD, United States


With a combined dissemination and training mission, Jon Sampedro and Dirk-Jan van de Ven from the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) participated in the GCAM Community Modelling meeting at the Joint Global Change Research Institute in Maryland.

CARISMA Workshop Building productive relations at the science-policy interface, 30 October 2017, Nijmegen, the Netherlands


TRANSrisk partner Joint Implementation Network (JIN) participated at the CARISMA workshop "Building productive relations at the science-policy interface" which was held on 30th of October 2017 in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Roads towards the transition and analysis of renewable energies for the mitigation and adaptation of climate change, 30 May 2017, Bogota, Colombia


TRANSrisk participated in the event "Roads towards the transition and analysis of renewable energies for the mitigation and adaptation of climate change", organised by the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation - Colciencias - of the Colombian Government, on 30th May, in Bogota, Colombia.

Towards2030-dialogue Policy Event at the European Parliament, 7 December 2016, Brussels, Belgium


TRANSrisk participated in Towards2030-dialogue Policy Event at the European Parliament “The new Energy Union Package: Ambitious Enough?” held on the 7th of December 2016 in Brussels, Belgium.

ENSPOL Final Conference, 13 June 2016, Brussels, Belgium


TRANSrisk partners JIN, SEI, and UPRC participated in ENSPOL Final Conference, held on 13 June 2016 in Brussels, Belgium, and had the opportunity to present TRANSrisk and its expected outcomes.

4th DIA-CORE Regional Workshop, 11 March 2016, Vienna, Austria


TRANSrisk partner NTUA participated in the 4th DIA-CORE Regional Workshop, held on 11 March 2016 in Vienna, Austria. 

DIA-CORE is an IEE initiative that aims to ensure a continuous assessment of the existing policy mechanisms and to establish an active stakeholder dialogue on future policy needs for renewable electricity (RES-E), heating & cooling (RES-H), and transport (RES-T).


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