JIQ Magazine

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JIQ Magazine Vol. 24, No. 2 (October 2018)


TRANSrisk was featured in the latest issue of Joint Implementation Quarterly, namely the JIQ Magazine vol. 24, no. 2.

JIQ Magazine Vol. 23, No. 4 (February 2018)


TRANSrisk researcher Krisztina Szendrei has published the article "Reaching the 2020 Target? The Potential Role of Solar Energy in the Netherlands", in JIQ Magazine vol. 23, no. 4.

JIQ Magazine Vol. 23, No. 2 (July 2017)


TRANSrisk researcher Krisztina Szendrei has published the article "Barriers to the Rapid Adoption of Solar Panels", in JIQ Magazine vol. 23, no. 2.

JIQ Magazine Vol. 23, No. 1 (April 2017)


TRANSrisk researcher Eise Spijker has published the article "Low-Emission Transition Strategies in Livestock in a Multi-Objective Decision-Context: Challenges and Drivers of Livestock Sector Development in the EU", in JIQ Magazine vol. 23, no. 1.

JIQ Magazine Vol. 22, No. 4 (December 2016)


TRANSrisk researchers Jenny Lieu, Luis Gonzales-Carrasco, Timothy Suljada, Matthew Halstead, Eise Spijker, and Annela Anger-Kraavi, have published the article "The Times They Are a-Changin' - Positive and Negative Impacts of Low-Emission Transitions in Livestock Farming, the Energy Sector, and Cities", in JIQ Magazine vol. 22, no. 4.

JIQ Special - 30 November 2016


TRANSrisk partners JIN Climate and Sustainability and Stockholm Environment Institute have published the article "Biogas development in Indonesia: household scale - Evaluation of Indonesian transition pathways in biogas utilisation" in JIQ special on 30 November 2016.

JIQ Special - 18 November 2016


JIQ Special - 17 November 2016


TRANSrisk partner JIN Climate and Sustainability has published the article "Solar PV in the Netherlands: for the people or by the people?" in JIQ special on 17 November 2016.

JIQ Magazine Vol. 22, No. 3 (October 2016)


Read the article "TRANSrisk Case Study Analysis: Context Analysis for Low-Emission Transition Pathways", issued in JIQ Magazine vol. 22, no. 3 (October 2016), and find more on the application of system mapping tool in TRANSrisk case studies.

JIQ Special - 26 September 2016


The next JIQ Magazine on Climate and Sustainability will include TRANSrisk article on livestock.


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