Synergies and Conflicts between different Energy System Pathways

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D4.4.7 Employment implications of energy transitions: The case of the European Union between 1995 and 2009


D4.4.8 Macro economic co-benefits and costs: The case of the European Iron and Steel Industry


TRANSrisk Policy Briefs, Issue 2: "European climate change mitigation targets: Exploring the potential contribution from behavioural change", December 2017


The 2nd issue of TRANSrisk policy briefs entitled "European climate change mitigation targets: Exploring the potential contribution from behavioural change" has been published.

GCAM Community Modeling Meeting, The Joint Global Change Research Institute, 7-9 November 2017, College Park, MD, United States


With a combined dissemination and training mission, Jon Sampedro and Dirk-Jan van de Ven from the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) participated in the GCAM Community Modelling meeting at the Joint Global Change Research Institute in Maryland. Newsletter, August 2017


Download below the latest newsletter containing an article regarding TRANSrisk.

Find all TRANSrisk related articles in platform here.

Subscribe to the newsletter here. Newsletter, June 2017


Download below the latest newsletter containing three articles regarding TRANSrisk.

Find all TRANSrisk related articles in platform here.

Subscribe to the newsletter here.

TRANSrisk Publication on the role of behavioural changes in the climate change mitigation portfolio


TRANSrisk partner BC3 participated in the Energy for Society: 1st International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science held on 2 - 5 April 2017, in Melia Sitges, Spain.

TRANSrisk results on the role of behavioural changes in the climate change mitigation portfolio were promoted through a presentation along with a relevant paper.

EC Lunch Debate: The Role of Behavioural Change and Human Innovation Systems in Mitigation Policies, 7 March 2017, Brussels, Belgium


TRANSrisk hosted the lunch debate "The Role of Behavioural Change and Human Innovation Systems in Mitigation Policies: Findings from the Horizon 2020 TRANSrisk Project".

TRANSrisk 1st Year Progress


Seminar: Implications of Rapid Arctic Change for Climate Stabilization, 17 May 2016, Oldenburg, Germany


TRANSrisk lecture in the seminars organised by the Department of economics and statistics of the University of Oldenburg.


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