Poland Case Study

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TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop on Risks of low-carbon transition in Poland, 12 October 2017, Warsaw, Poland


TRANSrisk partner Institute for Structural Research (IBS) organised a stakeholder workshop regarding the potential low-carbon transition pathways in Poland, on the 12th of October 2017, in the Conference Center “Ogrodowa 58” in Warsaw, Poland

IEW 2017 - 36th Edition of International Energy Workshop, 12-14 July 2017, College Park, Maryland, USA


Researchers from TRANSrisk partner Institute for Structural Research (IBS) and University of Graz (UniGraz) participated at the 36th Edition of International Energy Workshop (IEW 2017) which was held on 12th - 14th of July at the University of Maryland (UMD), in College Park, Maryland, USA.

WIEM 2017 - Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2017, 4-6 July 2017, Warsaw, Poland


Researchers from TRANSrisk partner Institute for Structural Research (IBS) participated at the 16th Edition of the Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM 2017) which was held on 4th - 6th of July, in Warsaw, Poland.

EAERE2017 - 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 28 June - 01 July, Athens, Greece


Researchers from TRANSrisk partners Institute for Structural Research (IBS) and University of Graz (UniGraz) participated at the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE 2017) which was held on 28th of June - 1st of July in Athens, Greece.

TRANSrisk Publication on the costs of transition in a coal-dependent economy, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


TRANSrisk partner IBS participated in the 6th Annual Summer Conference of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists held on 31 May – 2 June 2017, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

TRANSrisk results on the costs of transition in a coal-dependent economy were promoted through a presentation along with a relevant paper.

AERE Annual Summer Conference, 31 May – 2 June 2017, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


TRANSrisk participated in the 6th Annual Summer Conference of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE), which was held on May 31st - June 2nd 2017, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Coal Generation in Great Britain: The pathway to a low-carbon future


Response to the open consultation request made by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy of the British Government.

TRANSrisk Newsletter, Issue 4, September 2016


TRANSrisk Case Studies Workshop in Brighton, 4-5 October 2016



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