Kenya Case Study

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D3.1 Matrix of Technological Innovation Systems Selected for 15 Cases Studies


D3.2 Context of 15 case studies: Introduction and Summary


D3.2 Context of 15 case studies: Country case study context overview


D3.2 Context of 15 case studies: Kenya - Charcoal and Geothermal Sector


D3.3 A final brief of 14 country case studies


TRANSrisk Publication on Risks and uncertainties around low-carbon energy pathways


TRANSrisk partner SΕΙ has developed an interesting paper entitled "Risks and uncertainties around low-carbon energy pathways".

The paper is available online here.

TRANSrisk Working Documents, Issue 5: "How Kenya can transform the charcoal sector and create new opportunities for low-carbon rural development", September 2016


The 5th issue of TRANSrisk Working Documents entitled "How Kenya can transform the charcoal sector and create new opportunities for low-carbon rural development" has been published.

TRANSrisk High Level Policy Event Low Carbon Pathways: Understanding Transition in Developing Countries, 30-31 October 2018, Nairobi, Kenya


TRANSrisk partner Stockholm Enviroment Institute (SEI) organised the High Level Policy Event "Low Carbon Pathways: Understanding Transition in Developing Countries" on 30th & 31st October 2018

TRANSrisk Commentaries Issue 6: "Risky business: Developing geothermal power in Kenya", October 2018


The 6th issue of TRANSrisk commentaries entitled "Risky business: Developing geothermal power in Kenya" has been published.

TRANSrisk Commentaries Issue 5: "Overcoming barriers to sustainable charcoal in Kenya", October 2018


The 5th issue of TRANSrisk commentaries entitled "Overcoming barriers to sustainable charcoal in Kenya" has been published.


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