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TRANSrisk Publication on the implications of switching fossil fuel subsidies to solar


TRANSrisk partner BC3 has published an interesting paper on the implications of switching fossil fuel subsidies to solar.

Sampedro, J., Arto, I., & González-Eguino, M. (2017). Implications of Switching Fossil Fuel Subsidies to Solar: A Case Study for the European Union. Sustainability, 10(1), 50. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10010050

TRANSrisk Publication on the social profitability of photovoltaics in Germany


TRANSrisk partner UniGraz has developed an interesting paper on the social profitability of photovoltaics in Germany.

López Prol, J., & Steininger, K. W. (2018). The social profitability of photovoltaics in Germany. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 26(8), 631-641. https://doi.org/10.1002/pip.2988

JIQ Magazine Vol. 24, No. 2 (October 2018)


TRANSrisk was featured in the latest issue of Joint Implementation Quarterly, namely the JIQ Magazine vol. 24, no. 2.

GREEN-WIN, TRANSrisk and CD-LINKS Joint Policy Day, 7 November 2018, Brussels, Belgium


GREEN-WIN, TRANSrisk and CD-LINKS co-organised a Joint Policy Day on 7th November 2018, at the Royal Library Meeting Center in Brussels, Belgium.

TRANSrisk Policy Lunch "Paris in Practice: Understanding the Risks and Uncertainties", 6 November 2018, Brussels, Belgium


TRANSrisk hosted its Policy Lunch "Paris in Practice: Understanding the Risks and Uncertainties" on November 6th 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. The event summarised the work carried out in the 3 years of TRANSrisk's implementation and presented its major outcomes.

TRANSrisk High Level Policy Event Low Carbon Pathways: Understanding Transition in Developing Countries, 30-31 October 2018, Nairobi, Kenya


TRANSrisk partner Stockholm Enviroment Institute (SEI) organised the High Level Policy Event "Low Carbon Pathways: Understanding Transition in Developing Countries" on 30th & 31st October 2018

TRANSrisk High Level Policy Event Decarbonising transport in the EU: scenarios for Swedish road freight in a global context, 18 October 2018, Stockholm, Sweden


TRANSrisk partner Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) organised the High Level Policy Event "Decarbonising transport in the EU: scenarios for Swedish road freight in a global context" on 18th October 2018, at the Münchenbryggeriet Event & Konferens conference centre in Stockholm, Sweden.

TRANSrisk Commentaries Issue 6: "Risky business: Developing geothermal power in Kenya", October 2018


The 6th issue of TRANSrisk commentaries entitled "Risky business: Developing geothermal power in Kenya" has been published.

TRANSrisk Commentaries Issue 5: "Overcoming barriers to sustainable charcoal in Kenya", October 2018


The 5th issue of TRANSrisk commentaries entitled "Overcoming barriers to sustainable charcoal in Kenya" has been published.

SET-Nav Modelling workshop, 11 October 2018, Berlin Germany


TRANSrisk participated in the last one of the workshop series on the topic "Two-stage decision making and modelling for energy markets", which was held on 11th of October 2018, at DIW Berlin premises in Berlin, Germany.

The workshop was a combination of a seminar style lecture on the basics of multi-level modelling in the complementarity format and shorter conference style presentations of applications. It focused on the equilibrium modeling framework and include modern solution techniques.



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