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TRANSrisk Policy Briefs, Issue 4: "Integration of participative and modelling tools for assessing scaled up climate options", December 2018


The 4th issue of TRANSrisk policy briefs entitled "Integration of participative and modelling tools for assessing scaled up climate options" has been published.

TRANSrisk Policy Briefs, Issue 3: "Understanding risks related to the decarbonisation of the European steel sector", December 2018


The 3rd issue of TRANSrisk policy briefs entitled "Understanding risks related to the decarbonisation of the European steel sector" has been published.

D8.3 Conclusions from the events at participating countries, the final conference in Brussels


D8.4 Newsletters, scientific publications and presentations


TRANSrisk Publication on A Unilateral Climate and Supply Market Model


TRANSrisk Publication on Assessment of Renewable Energy Projects Using a Decision Support System: A Process to Endorse the Social License to Operate


TRANSrisk Publication on Hypothesis for a Risk Cost of Carbon: Revising the Externalities and Ethics of Climate Change


TRANSrisk Publication on Evaluation of National Environmental Efficiency Under Uncertainty Using Data Envelopment Analysis


TRANSrisk Publication on Water Stress Implications of Energy Scenarios for the Middle East: An Assessment of Risks and Uncertainties


TRANSrisk partner ECN has developed an interesting paper entitled "Water Stress Implications of Energy Scenarios for the Middle East: An Assessment of Risks and Uncertainties".

The paper is available online here.

TRANSrisk Publication on Impact Assessment of Climate and Energy Policy Scenarios: A Multi-criteria Approach


TRANSrisk partner NTUA has developed an interesting paper entitled "Impact Assessment of Climate and Energy Policy Scenarios: A Multi-criteria Approach".

The paper is available online here.


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