Country Case Studies

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TRANSrisk & SET-Nav Regional Workshop, 16 November 2018, Athens, Greece


TRANSrisk and SET-Nav co-organised the Regional Workshop "Decarbonising our energy system - Transformation pathways, policies and markets, with spotlight on Greece" on 16th November 2018 at the Electra Metropolis Hotel at 15 Mitropoleos street, 10557 in Athens, Greec

100xCiencia.3 - Bridging Science and Society, 15 November 2018, Madrid, Spain


TRANSrisk participated in the "100xCiencia.3 - Bridging Science and Society" conference which took place on 15 November 2018 at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre's premises in Madrid, Spain.

TRANSrisk High Level Policy Event Low Carbon Pathways: Understanding Transition in Developing Countries, 30-31 October 2018, Nairobi, Kenya


TRANSrisk partner Stockholm Enviroment Institute (SEI) organised the High Level Policy Event "Low Carbon Pathways: Understanding Transition in Developing Countries" on 30th & 31st October 2018

TRANSrisk High Level Policy Event Decarbonising transport in the EU: scenarios for Swedish road freight in a global context, 18 October 2018, Stockholm, Sweden


TRANSrisk partner Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) organised the High Level Policy Event "Decarbonising transport in the EU: scenarios for Swedish road freight in a global context" on 18th October 2018, at the Münchenbryggeriet Event & Konferens conference centre in Stockholm, Sweden.

TRANSrisk Publication on a delay-based Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping approach of expert views on low-carbon transition strategies for the Dutch solar sector, Baku, Azerbaidschan


TRANSrisk partner NTUA participated in the 18th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability held on 13-15 September 2018, in Baku, Azerbaidschan.

TRANSrisk results on a delay-based Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping approach of expert views on low-carbon transition strategies for the Dutch solar sector were promoted through a presentation along with a relevant paper.

Workshop "Tools for Measuring and Managing Risks and Uncertainties of Climate Change", 24 August 2018, Santiago, Chile


TRANSrisk partner Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (CLAPESUC) organised the workshop "Tools for Measuring and Managing Risks and Uncertainties of Climate Change" on 24th August 2018, at the Aula Magna of the MBA Building of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (Av. Lib. Bernardo O'Higgins 440), in Santiago, Chile.

TRANSrisk Publication on achieving a low-carbon power system through empowering consumers to produce and store clean energy at the local level with findings from the case of Greece, Chania, Greece


TRANSrisk partner NTUA participated in the 7th International Symposium & 29th National Conference on Operational Research held on 14 June 2018, in Chania, Greece.

TRANSrisk results on achieving a low-carbon power system through empowering consumers to produce and store clean energy at the local level with findings from the case of Greece were promoted through a presentation along with a relevant paper.

TRANSrisk Publication on operational research in support of energy and climate policy with findings from the case of Greece, Chania, Greece


TRANSrisk partner NTUA participated in the 7th International Symposium & 29th National Conference on Operational Research held on 14 June 2018, in Chania, Greece.

TRANSrisk results on operational research in support of energy and climate policy with findings from the case of Greece were promoted through a presentation along with a relevant paper.

TRANSrisk Publication on stakeholder perceptions, policy mixes and the climate change and energy transition law in Spain, Chania, Greece


TRANSrisk partner BC3 participated in the 7th International Symposium & 29th National Conference on Operational Research held on 14 June 2018, in Chania, Greece.

TRANSrisk results on stakeholder perceptions, policy mixes and the climate change and energy transition law in Spain were promoted through a presentation along with a relevant paper.

TRANSrisk Publication on the potential and assessment of uncertainties of electric road systems in the European Union based on the Swedish case study


TRANSrisk partner SEI participated in the 2nd Electric Road Systems Conference held on 13-14 June 2018, in Stockholm, Sweden.

TRANSrisk results on the potential and assessment of uncertainties of electric road systems in the European Union based on the Swedish case study were promoted through a presentation along with a relevant paper.


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