Austria Case Study

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TRANSrisk Publication on Macroeconomic implications of a 2°C-compatible transition path in the European iron and steel industry, Ljubljana, Slovenia


TRANSrisk partner UniGraz participated in the International Conference on Economic Modelling held on 5 - 7 July 2017, held at the University of Ljubiljana, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

TRANSrisk results on Macroeconomic implications of a 2°C-compatible transition path in the European iron and steel industry were promoted through a presentation along with a relevant paper.

Roads towards the transition and analysis of renewable energies for the mitigation and adaptation of climate change, 30 May 2017, Bogota, Colombia


TRANSrisk participated in the event "Roads towards the transition and analysis of renewable energies for the mitigation and adaptation of climate change", organised by the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation - Colciencias - of the Colombian Government, on 30th May, in Bogota, Colombia.

TRANSrisk Publication on Macroeconomic implications of a 2°C-compatible transition path in the European iron and steel industry


TRANSrisk partner UniGraz participated in the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists - AURÖ Nachwuchsworkshop 2017 held on 14 February 2017, in Basel, Switzerland.

TRANSrisk results on the macroeconomic implications of a 2°C-compatible transition path in the European iron and steel industry were promoted through a presentation along with a relevant paper.

EC Lunch Debate: The Role of Behavioural Change and Human Innovation Systems in Mitigation Policies, 7 March 2017, Brussels, Belgium


TRANSrisk hosted the lunch debate "The Role of Behavioural Change and Human Innovation Systems in Mitigation Policies: Findings from the Horizon 2020 TRANSrisk Project".

TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop on steel sector decarbonisation, November 2016, Vienna, Austria


TRANSrisk partner University of Graz (UniGraz) organised a stakeholder workshop regarding the decarbonisation of the Austrian steel sector, in November 2016, in Vienna, Austria.

The workshop's objectives were to discuss with stakeholders the desired futures for the steel and energy sectors in Austria and to formulate the relevant low-carbon transition pathways leading to these futures.

TRANSrisk Newsletter, Issue 4, September 2016


TRANSrisk Case Studies Workshop in Brighton, 4-5 October 2016



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