TRANSrisk Mid-Project Workshop, 7-8 March 2017, Brussels, Belgium

Tuesday, 7 March, 2017 - 10:00 to Wednesday, 8 March, 2017 - 17:00

TRANSrisk conducted its 2 day Mid-Project Workshop on 7th & 8th of March 2017, in Brussels. It was held at the  Social Platform ground-floor meeting room at Square de Meeûs 18, Brussels, Belgium.

Participants had the opportunity to review the initial results of the qualitative work implemented so far, as well as to be updated on the progress for each work package within TRANSrisk action. Moreover, the next steps regarding TRANSrisk's implementation and particularly the activities within the case studies were discussed and planned.

More specifically, individual presentations were delivered on the following topics within the TRANSrisk case studies:

  • Energy access in the African context;
  • Land-use competition and renewable energy policies;
  • 2oC compatible transition of the iron and steel sector;
  • Mitigation implication of ice-free summer in the Arctic;
  • Risk and Uncertainty framing in transition pathways;
  • Case Study handbook;
  • UK case study;
  • Stakeholder update;
  • Dissemination guidelines for case studies;
  • Application in case studies and identify support needed for each case study;
  • Micro-Macro links between innovation policies and transition pathways;
  • How to link the different activities from each WP
  • Links between qualitative and quantitative model
  • Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping: Greek building sector: short, medium term policy assessment case study;
  • How system mapping exercise will keep on informing the models and the FCM;
  • How MCDA in feeds into the case study work;
  • How results from qualitative models will be assessed by Fuzzy Cognitive Maps;
  • Case study discussion of potential dissemination outputs, and summary of dissemination next steps.

Mag. Gabriel Bachner presenting lessons on macroeconomic implications of mitigation pathways, learned from a case study.


Stay tuned for more information!

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