JIQ Magazine Vol. 22, No. 4 (December 2016)

Thursday, 15 December, 2016 - 12:45

TRANSrisk researchers Jenny Lieu, Luis Gonzales-Carrasco, Timothy Suljada, Matthew Halstead, Eise Spijker, and Annela Anger-Kraavi, have published the article "The Times They Are a-Changin' - Positive and Negative Impacts of Low-Emission Transitions in Livestock Farming, the Energy Sector, and Cities", in JIQ Magazine vol. 22, no. 4.

The article's authors are the members of TRANSrisk consortium that participated in the COP22 side-event "Assessing mitigation pathway risk and uncertainty: case studies in the Netherlands, Kenya and Chile" held on the 18th of November. In this 3-page article the work implemented in these case studies and discussed in the event is captured. Particularly, the article features the outcomes of the case studies in the Netherlands, Kenya, and Chile, and highlights the key elements for each case study.

More specifically, the article briefly explains the concept of "low-emission transition", and highlights that low-emission transitions should be in line with the broader socio-economic development ambitions of a country/region. Moreover, the article incorporates the possible transition pathways that could be implemented in each of the three countries in question, and were discussed at the COP22 side event. Lastly, the article directs to the presentations delivered during the side event, as well to the previously issued JIQ Specials which incorporate more details regarding each case study.

These are the Special on livestock farming in the Netherlands, the Special on biogas development in Indonesia, and the Special on solar PV in the Netherlands.


In this issue of JIQ Magazine the online hub for EU-Funded Mitigation Research "climatechangemitigation.eu", in which TRANSrisk highlights are published, is also featured.

More information regarding the JIQ Magazine can be found here.

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