TRANSrisk partners JIN Climate and Sustainability and Stockholm Environment Institute have published the article "Biogas development in Indonesia: household scale - Evaluation of Indonesian transition pathways in biogas utilisation" in JIQ special on 30 November 2016.
This special issue is a 5 pages addendum to JIQ Magazine vol. 22, no. 4 (December 2016). The article refers to TRANSrisk work implemented in the Indonesian bioenergy sector case study. More specifically, it focuses on mapping the costs and benefits of biogas technology implementation on a household scale, compared with the current dominant form of cooking fuel, i.e. fuel wood.
The article starts presenting the biogas technology implemented in households used in the programme BIRU, as well as the usage of firewood which is the current alternative. Subsequently the two alternatives are evaluated in terms of health, climate change mitigation, water quality in rivers, and cost. Finally, the (macro-)economic assessment of the implementation of biogas on the household-scale with the help of models is identified as next step.
More information can be found here, or by contacting the article's author , associate of TRANSrisk partner Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).