TRANSrisk Newsletter: Issue #3, June 2016

TRANSition Pathways and RISK Analysis

for Climate Change Mitigation and

Adaptation Strategies

Issue #3 June 2016


TRANSrisk is an EU funded research project aiming to innovatively transform the way in which climate change policy pathways are developed.

TRANSrisk seeks to understand the costs, level of public acceptance, and the risks, uncertainties and co-effects associated with different mitigation pathways and low-carbon technologies.

In order to help policymakers manage uncertainties TRANSrisk will gather data via 15 case studies from the EU and other regions, and employ a variety of different models to explore scenarios and pathways.

TRANSrisk will also engage a wide range of stakeholders to help develop credible transition pathways, thus integrating quantitative and qualitative analysis in a unique and innovative way.


Quantitative Modelling Workshop in Graz

TRANSrisk's Quantitative Modelling Workshop was held on May 19th and 20th, 2016, in Graz, Austria.

Participants had the opportunity to further investigate the seven quantitative models to be implemented in TRANSrisk case studies as well as delve into the available ways of treating and depicting inherent and exogenous uncertainties. Participants also explored different aspect of risks and uncertainties, in various timeframes and scales, that are involved in the transition pathways towards a low carbon economy in the case study countries.

Further information is available "here".


TRANSrisk Publications

Discover the latest TRANSrisk Publications:

Markandya A., Arto I., González-Eguino M., Román M. V. (2016). "Towards a green energy economy? Tracking the employment effects of low-carbon technologies in the European Union", Applied Energy, In Press.

González-Eguino, M., Neumann, M. B. (2016). "Significant implications of permafrost thawing for climate change control", Climatic Change 136(2), 381-388.

Stay tuned at TRANSrisk Articles Webpage!


Read now TRANSrisk key outcomes so far

The following papers are now available:

Tools and Procedures for Engaging Stakeholders in TRANSrisk Case Study Analysis

This report presents an overview of tools for engaging stakeholders in the participatory processes to be used in TRANSrisk’s case studies. These tools support TRANSrisk’s combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques. This approach ensures that the output of an analysis is not only based on aspects that can be quantified, but also on qualitative aspects (e.g. stakeholder viewpoints and knowledge, contextual factors, etc) - these are more difficult to quantify but have a critical impact on policy and strategic decisions.

Economic Implications of Climate Change

This report compares the quantitative impacts that are expected from climate change in a ‘business-as-usual scenario’ with additional analysis of processes that are not incorporated into mainstream models, such as the thawing of permafrost and sea ice melting in the Arctic. The analysis includes projected impacts on mitigation efforts and the possibility of remaining below the 2ºC limit (as stated in the Paris Agreement).



The TRANSrisk project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642260.

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