TRANSrisk Press Release January 2019: TRANSrisk Online Tools

TRANSition Pathways and RISK Analysis for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies

Press Release January 2019

TRANSrisk onlne tools enable the stakeholder participatory process and enhance the robustness of the identified low carbon transition policies supporting policymakers to better understand the risks and uncertainties involved.

TRANSrisk System Mapping Online Tool

The TRANSrisk System Mapping Online Tool enables stakeholders to provide their knowledge regarding the market actors of a specific system and also highlight interlinkages among them. During TRANSrisk implementation, it has been used to elaborate system maps for the energy sectors in the 14 country case studies with the participation of key stakeholders.

The TRANSrisk System Mapping Online Tool can be accessed here.

System Mapping Online Toolbox

TRANSrisk MEMO Online Tool

TRANSrisk MEMO Online Tool

The TRANSrisk MEMO Online Tool is a user friendly web application, which allows non-experts to run simulations with the MEMO - MacroEconomic Mitigation Options model. The model provides an assessment of the overall economic cost of implementing various climate change mitigation policies, such as environmental taxes or direct mitigation actions in different sector of the economy.

The TRANSrisk MEMO Online Tool can be accessed here.


The TRANSrisk project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642260.

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