3rd Bioenergy and Electrification Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bioenergy for Climate Change, 8-11 April 2018, Bali, Indonesia

Sunday, 8 April, 2018 - 14:00 to Wednesday, 11 April, 2018 - 16:00

The 3rd International Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bioenergy for Climate Change is the last part of a series of annual bio-energy workshops, taking place from 2016 to 2018, which is organized as a joint initiative of the Ministry of National Development Planning of Indonesia (Bappenas), Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG), and the European Commission (EC) Horizon2020 projects: GreenWIN and TRANSrisk. The general objective is to accelerate bioenergy development and promote climate change mitigation and adaptation pathways in Indonesia through the:

  • EC GreenWIN aims to identify green solutions that already exist at a specific location in specific sectors, help them spread to other locations and other sectors, and identify how incentive structures should be changed in order to create innovative business models. It will assess the practical feasibility of implementing green growth strategies to meet mitigation, adaptation and sustainability goals.
  • EC TRANSrisk aims to bring together quantitative models and qualitative approaches, focusing on participatory consultations with stakeholders as a link between the policy approaches. The Indonesian case provides an opportunity to analyze the sustainability and climate resilience of low carbon transition pathways comprising of biofuels made from wastes and residues that are technically and economically feasible and acceptable from a social and environmental viewpoint.

During the second workshop in 2017, experts, stakeholders, and biogas users concluded that while there is a considerable opportunity for the continuation of biogas development in Bali, many critical barriers are also needed to be addressed further. Furthermore, synergy of biogas utilization and value-adding activities were concluded as the key activities to increase biogas diffusion rate. Future activities will focus on connecting stakeholders, with each of them having their own role to play on the biogas development.

The third workshop aims to shed further light on the opportunities of biogas and related climate smart agriculture in Indonesia with critical reflections on the associated risks and barriers, developed from the preliminary session with Bappenas and models from previous workshop. Concrete pilot projects of the value-adding activities of agricultural products utilizing biogas and BMKG’s Climate Field School will be showcased during a field trip. Finally, group exercises will be facilitated focusing on creating a mechanism to ease the collaboration between researchers, policy makers, and biogas users to further align the knowledge supply from the researchers and the knowledge need of the policy makers.

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