13th international conference of the International Society for the Intercommunication of New Ideas (ISINI), 30-31 August 2018, Wroclaw, Poland

Thursday, 30 August, 2018 - 08:00 to Friday, 31 August, 2018 - 18:30

TRANSrisk partner Joint Implementation Network (JIN) participated at the 13th International Conference of the International Society for the Intercommunication of New Ideas, which took place on 30th - 31st of August in Wroclaw, Poland.

More particularly, researcher Erwin Hofman presented the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) process, and key lessons from its implementation. Also, Mr. Hofman compared TNA vs National Determined Contributions (NDCs) processes and identified their similarities and differences. Also, he explained how TNA can be used in the development of NDCs. Finally, Mr. Hofman presented the unique approach applied within TRANSrisk, namely the combination of qualitative methods with quantitative tools.

More details on TRANSrisk's approach are outlined in report D2.2 - Complementarity of qualitative and quantitative analytical tools.

More information can be found on JIN's and ISINI's websites.

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