TRANSrisk Press Release: Stakeholder Workshop in Spain

TRANSition Pathways and RISK Analysis for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies

Press Release April 2018

Stakeholder Workshop

Renewable Energies and Energy Transition in Spain 2030-2050

23 April 2018, Paseo de la Castellana, 257, 28046 Madrid, Spain

Renewable energies are expected to play a fundamental role in the decarbonisation process of the world economy to achieve the long-term objectives of the Paris Agreement and the national objectives acquired by many countries by 2020 and 2030. In the context of reduction accelerated costs of renewables, the European Union is in the process of reviewing the renewable objectives identified in the Energy-Climate Package 2030 which could rise from 27% up to 35%.

In Spain, the debate on the role of renewables has also re-emerged mainly in the context of the Law of Climate Change and Energy Transition.

Within the framework of the Spanish case study, TRANSrisk partner Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) along with the Spanish Association for Energy Economics (AEEE) and the Spanish Club of Energy will co-organise the stakeholder participatory workshop “Renewable Energies and Energy Transition in Spain 2030-2050” in Madrid, on the 23rd of April 2018.

23 April

The workshop's starting point will be the presentation of IRENA's report “Renewable Energy Prospects for the European Union” based on which experts from the energy and climate change sectors will reflect on the role that renewable energy sources could play in Spain's decarbonisation process within the horizon 2030 and 2050.

More information on the workshop can be found at the TRANSrisk website.

TRANSrisk is an exciting new EU Horizon 2020 project studying the risks and uncertainties that lie ahead as we transition to a low carbon world. At the core of TRANSrisk's work lie 14 country case studies. Each case study is focusing on fundamental changes to economies and societies that will arise from decarbonisation. To fully understand the range of transition pathways our case studies encompass the globe: from Europe and North America to the fast growing economies of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Each case study is led by expert academics based in the study country.


The TRANSrisk project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642260.

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