TRANSrisk Press Release February 2018: Call for Papers

TRANSition Pathways and RISK Analysis for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies

Press Release February 2018

TRANSrisk is an exciting new EU Horizon 2020 project studying the risks and uncertainties that lie ahead as we transition to a low carbon world. At the core of TRANSrisk's work lie 14 country case studies. Each case study is focusing on fundamental changes to economies and societies that will arise from decarbonisation. To fully understand the range of transition pathways our case studies encompass the globe: from Europe and North America to the fast growing economies of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Each case study is led by expert academics based in the study country.

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Call for Papers for

TRANSrisk Special Issue

in Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Journal

Assessing risks and uncertainties of low-carbon transition pathways



This Special Issue aims to provide a transdisciplinary analytical framing or method in assessing transition mitigation and/or adaptation pathways, their potential synergies as well as risks and uncertainties. The analysis can be accrued out by applying a combination of quantitative approaches (including a range of socio-economic, climate models) and qualitative methods that account for the complex human dimension. These potential transition pathways may include technological innovations, and policy mixes that extend beyond the energy sector and explore the industrial, construction, transportation or other sectors.

Subject Coverage

  • Low carbon, energy, climate change mitigation or adaptation pathways.

  • Risk and uncertainties in assessing low carbon pathways.

  • Qualitative modelling approaches to assessing pathways, including: agent based, integrated assessment, general equilibrium, and other models.

  • Qualitative approaches to assessing pathways, including: case studies, stakeholder engagement tools, multi-criteria analysis etc.

  • Public acceptance and behavioural change.

Submit your Abstract

A concise and factual abstract (less than 150 words) shall be sent to the following email: , with subject: "VSI: Risks in transitions".

Deadline for Abstract Submission: 6th of March 2018

More information on the Call for Papers can be found at TRANSrisk website.


The TRANSrisk project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642260.

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