TRANSrisk participated at the decarbonisation project networking workshop, co-organised by DG Research and Innovation (RTD) and the Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME), on 7th February 2018, at the European Commission (DG RTD) CDMA building, in Brussels, Belgium.
The workshop's objective was to stimulate peer-to-peer and science-to-policy discussions on how to get the most out of EU-funded projects for the benefit of the society and policy-making. More particularly, interactions among participants were established, while major results in the pipe as well as areas and solutions that can make our joint commitment to climate research and innovation more beneficial were identified.
The topics of the workshop were the following:
- EU research and innovation policy: main tasks after the Paris Agreement
- The scientific underpinning of EU climate policy 2020-2030
- What CARISMA found about how to navigate the science-policy interface
- Global and regional zero-emissions pathways (panel discussion)
- The costs and challenges of low-carbon transition in main emitting sectors in the EU (panel discussion)
- How to maximise project impact for climate action
- The decarbonisation projects landscape - potential for synergies and improving impact
- Roundtable discussions
Find below the agenda of the workshop!
More information here.