TRANSrisk partner Science Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex (SPRU) hosted the stakeholder participatory session "Consensus Building in Engagement Processes for reducing risks in developing sustainable pathways: community interests as core elements of engagement", on 10th of March within the framework of the 3rd annual Environmental Gathering: Create the Future, organised by the Alberta Ecotrust.
More particularly, the workshop's aim was to identify the best way to reach consensus within groups with various perspectives about sustainable development of natural resources in Alberta. Also, a role playing exercise was performed where participants were distributed in round tables and were given a role to represent a stakeholder (community, industry, government). The background and context were provided for each stakeholder, and a case/challenge was given. For example, the installation of an oil well or a wind turbine in the proximities of the community. Groups were given time to discuss the interest and views of their stakeholder. Then, the overarching questions were presented to each group and each stakeholder expressed their viewpoints and the whole group shared the insights discussed at the round table. Later, strategies for negotiation and consensus building were drawn based on the participant’s experience. It was desired that participants played a role normally opposite to their natural positions.
More information on the 3rd annual Environmental Gathering is available here.
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