TRANSrisk Weekly Newsletter - 14 December 2015

Monday, 14 December, 2015 - 09:15

Policy, Legislation and Regulation

The State of the Energy Union

Last month the European Commission released annual reports on the progress of the EU Energy Union including individual MS analysis and national fact sheets.

The latest DG Energy newsletter is online

9 Dec 2015

Ongoing EU Stakeholder consultations

  • Consultation on the preparation of a new Renewable Energy Directive for the period after 2020 (Give your feedback until 10 February 2016)
  • Consultation on the Review of Directive 2012/27/EU on Energy Efficiency (Until 29 January 2016)
  • Consultation on the Revision of the information and procedural requirements under Articles 41 to 44 of the Euratom Treaty (Until 25 January 2016)

UKERC working paper: Deconstructing the European Energy Union: Governance and 2030 Goals

9 Dec 2015

The European Commission talks the talk on energy, but can it walk the walk?  In the latest UKERC Working Paper, Antony Froggatt (Chatham House) and Amelia Hadfield (Canterbury Christ Church University) look at the challenge of moving from ambition to delivery in the EU's flagship Energy Union plan.

Academic Articles and Research

Policy consultation and political styles: Renewable energy consultations in the UK and Denmark

British Politics (2015) 10, 454–474

David Toke and HelleØrsted Nielsen


There is a discussion among political scientists about the extent to which there are differences in policy styles between western European states, including in particular whether they share common means of consulting and deciding policy through policy networks. This article studies the differences in policy consultation approaches between Denmark and the United Kingdom in the case of renewable energy. It further examines whether consultation patterns differ in the policy formation and policy implementation phases. It is found that while in both Danish and British cases there is decision making through policy communities, there are still some clear differences in the ways in which consultation takes place and decisions are made at the levels of both policy formation and policy implementation.

Keywords: consultation; renewable energy; Denmark; the United Kingdom

Energy market impacts of nuclear power phase-out policies

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change

December 2015, Volume 20,Issue 8, pp 1511-1527


Since the Fukushima disaster in Japan in March 2011, safety concerns have escalated and policies toward nuclear power are being reconsidered in several countries. This article presents a study of the upward pressure on regional electricity prices from nuclear power phase out in four scenarios with various levels of ambition to scale down the nuclear power industry. We use a global general equilibrium model to calculate regional electricity prices that are matching demand with the constrained power supply after the nuclear power phase out. Nuclear power exit in Germany and Switzerland might increase electricity prices in Europe moderately by 2–3 % early on to 4–5 % by 2035 if transmission capacity within the region is sufficient. In a gradual and comprehensive phase out of plants built before 2011, North America, Europe, and Japan face an upward pressure on electricity prices in the range of 23–28 % towards 2035, representing the incentives for further investments in any kind of electricity.

Keywords: Nuclear power Fukushima disaster Electricity market General equilibrium Carbon emissions

Media and Blogs

Great Britain Stranded

Posted on 11 Dec 2015

by Claude Crampes, Thomas-Olivier Léautier

On Wednesday 4 November between 5 and 6 pm, our British neighbours had to solve a problem that risks being repeated in every country where the decarbonation of the economy is based on intermittent power generation sources: a poorly anticipated energy shortage, which was solved through a combination of firing up dormant thermal power plants and requesting certain customers reduce their electricity usage.

UK plans small modular nuclear reactor 'in 2020s'

Posted on 25 Nov 2015

By Emily Gosden, telegraph

Ministers announce £250m funding for nuclear research and development including competition to develop small modular reactor.

Political Posturing, Spin and the Reality of UK Energy Policy

Posted on 7 Dec 2015

By Richard Lowes, blog

Despite the headline grabbing stories around cuts to energy subsidies and tax breaks for fossil fuels, is it all doom and gloom for sustainable energy? In this blog I’m going to explain the energy sectors that are actually likely to do quite well out of the Conservative Government and why it may not all be as bad as it seems.

Anger over threat of VAT hike on renewable energy

Posted on 9 Dec 2015

By Terry Macalister and Emma Howard, the guardian

Critics including Greenpeace UK say proposal affecting solar panels and wind turbines make a mockery of David Cameron’s claims to climate leadership.

Whither energy policy: Is the government getting the worst of two worlds?

Posted on 9 Dec 2015

by Gordon MacKerron, Claire Carter and Florian Kern, blog

What do the pre-Spending Review announcements from DECC and the Review itself – mean for UK energy and climate change policy?

Dozens of new 'dirty' diesel generators to be built with £175m subsidies

Posted 11 Dec 2015

By Emily Gosden, telegraph

Government scheme awards subsidies for the construction of 650 megawatts of new, highly-polluting diesel generators to help keep the lights on.

Cameron’s ‘greenest-ever’ government should be red-faced on diesel subsidies

Posted on 13 Dec 2015

The Guardian

Even as the UK commits to lower carbon emissions at UN talks, it is handing out huge subsidies to heavy polluters while discouraging renewable investors.  

Green Investment Bank sell-off plans alarm MPs and peers

Posted on 13 Dec 2015

By Toby Helm, the guardian

MPs say a privatised Green Investment Bank won’t be obliged to fund eco-friendly projects

UK has ‘lost world climate leadership role’ by axing domestic green policies

Posted on 10 Dec 2015

By Adman Vaughan and Fiona Harvey, the guardian

Leading scientists and former ministers say the country has undermined its record as a world leader on climate change and is ‘moving backwards’.

Britain would consider nationalising Rolls-Royce’s submarine business –FT

Posted on 14 Dec 2015

By Reuters

Britain would consider nationalising Rolls-Royce's business which makes the power systems used in the country's nuclear submarines, if the company's difficulties worsen, the Financial Times reported.


COP21: Results and Perspectives

15 Dec 2015: Online Debate by the Florence School of Regulation, EUI

Seminar ‘The future for renewable energy in the UK: funding, innovation and policy priorities’

2 Feb 2016: Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum

Video of the UCL-Energy Seminar: 'Where are we now?’

Posted on 4 Dec 2015

Reflections on UK Energy Regulation from 1920 to 2015' with John Cunneen, founding Executive Director and Member of the Authority for Electricity Regulation, Oman

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