TRANSrisk Publication on Kenya’s climate change mitigation ambitions

Monday, 13 November, 2017 - 16:45

TRANSrisk partner Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) has developed an interesting paper entitled “Do Kenya’s climate change mitigation ambitions necessitate large-scale renewable energy deployment and dedicated low-carbon energy policy?”.

The purpose of this study is to analyse Kenya's climate change mitigation ambitions from an energy system perspective. In the paper the TIAM-ECN model is used to characterise plausible development pathways for the Kenyan energy mix until 2050 under different climate change mitigation scenarios. The study shows that Kenya's NDC target is achievable with a timely deployment of renewable energy, while more demanding climate change policies are required mostly in the residential and transport sectors. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the power sector can expand with low-carbon technologies even without GHG abatement targets.

The paper is available online here.

Dalla Longa, F., & van der Zwaan, B. (2017). Do Kenya’s climate change mitigation ambitions necessitate large-scale renewable energy deployment and dedicated low-carbon energy policy?. Renewable Energy113, 1559-1568.

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