TRANSrisk side events at COP23, 6 and 9 November 2017, Bonn, Germany

Monday, 6 November, 2017 - 15:00 to Thursday, 9 November, 2017 - 11:15

Implementing NDCs: Diversity of Actors and Actions

Date and Time: Mon, 06 Nov 2017 15:00 - 16:30

Venue: The event was held at Meeting Room 4 (100), Bonn Zone, Rheinaue Park area, Bonn, Germany.

To understand, interpret and implement the ‘Paris Agreement’ it is essential to understand the diversity of actors and their actions. This will have bearing upon the governance structures, implementation models and MRV structures. This event explored these issues and possible solutions.

This event was a partnership between TRANSrisk and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). Two TRANSrisk case studies were presented during the event: energy efficiency and production from PV in the building sector in China and biogas applications in Indonesia.

TRANSrisk partners presenting during the event were the Science Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex (SPRU), and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).

A recording of the event is available below:

Moreover, Stefan Bößner has given an interesting interview explaining how biogas can help the climate and local communities achieve their NDCs.


The future of nuclear, oils sands and renewables: risky energy pathways?

Date and Time: Thursday, 09 Nov 2017 10:00 - 11:15

Venue: The event was held at the UK Pavilion, Bonn Zone, Rheinaue Park area, Bonn, Germany.

This side event consisted of a panel discussion in which three country case studies from TRANSrisk were presented, as well as an open discussion with the audience.

The case studies explore risks in different energy sectors within the context of three countries: the nuclear power sector in UK, the oil sands in the province of Alberta, Canada, and renewable energy in Switzerland. Also, the risks of each energy policy pathway at the (sub) national level were assessed by applying energy, economy, technology and climate models, as well as by including a range of stakeholder perspectives and inputs.

TRANSrisk partners presenting during the event were the Science Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex (SPRU), and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich).

Download below the events' agenda and presentations!

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