Low Carbon Transition Pathways and Nuclear Power Workshop, 22 September 2017, London, UK

Friday, 22 September, 2017 - 10:30 to 16:30

Within the framework of the TRANSrisk case study in United Kingdom a stakeholder participatory workshop took place on the 22nd of September 2017, at the NCVO Conference Centre, in London, UK.

The workshop was organised by Science Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex (SPRU) which has been researching the risks and uncertainties in the UK's commitments to nuclear power. More particularly, the workshop's objective was to receive stakeholders' perception regarding the use of nuclear power by assessing the implications of two extreme scenarios. Namely, in the first scenario there will be no new nuclear construction in the UK, while in the second scenario the nuclear capacity will be increased by 40GW until 2050.

During the workshop, interim results of the implemented work, such as interviews, surveys, and model results, were presented. Moreover, participants were asked to comment on the ways in which each pathway could be implemented, including their thoughts on policy and regulatory issues as well as barriers and enablers.

Find below the workshop's agenda.

More information on the UK case study is available at the relevant report "Context of 15 case studies: UK - Nuclear Power".

Stay tuned for more information!

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