TRANSrisk Press Release: The Greece Case Study Overview

TRANSition Pathways and RISK Analysis for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies

Press Release June 2017

TRANSrisk is an exciting new EU Horizon 2020 project studying the risks and uncertainties that lie ahead as we transition to a low carbon world. At the core of TRANSrisk’s work lie 15 country case studies. Each case study is focusing on fundamental changes to economies and societies that will arise from decarbonisation. To fully understand the range of transition pathways our case studies encompass the globe: from Europe and North America to the fast growing economies of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Each case study is led by expert academics based in the study country.

The Greece Case Study - Solar Power, Buildings and Microgeneration and Storage

The Greek PV Market

During the last decade, there has been increasing interest in PV generation in Greece. This is a result of the high solar potential in the country as well as the Feed in Tariffs that encouraged new investments. However, the Greek photovoltaic sector has vastly shrunk in recent years, mainly due to the changes in the regulatory framework and the incentives mechanism. The Greek case study explores the potential for the PV market (in terms of perspectives, energy prices and their impacts on investments, financial schemes, etc.), as well as the current policy framework, in order to survey the key drivers in the solar power sector towards a decarbonised Greek economy by 2050.

The Greek Building Sector

The existing building stock in Greece, which is predominantly of poor performance and consequently in need of renovations, provides significant room for further decarbonisation. The case study gives attention to the required renovation work, focusing mainly on investments in solar power generation, solar heating and cooling, and insulation measures.

Microgeneration and Storage

The case study aims to explore pathways towards a low carbon energy system that is based on the notion of prosumers (i.e. consumers that also generate power) and the diffusion of microgeneration and storage (both thermal and electrical) in the residential sector. Specifically, the effect of different pathways for demand management technologies and the appropriate market mechanisms are simulated and assessed.

The Greece Case Study - Methodology

Stakeholders' Engagement

  • Regulatory authorities, government bodies

  • Power generating companies and industry

  • Consultancy and financing institutions

  • Industry associations and networks

  • Academic and research institutions

  • Environmental NGOs

Literature Review

21 Semi-structured Stakeholders' Interviews

Stakeholders' Engagement Workshop 43 Participants

The Greece Case Study - Results

  • Policy mix overview

  • Societal Priorities

  • Political Priorities

  • Economic Priorities

  • Life Cycle Value Chain

  • Solar Power System Map

  • Building Sector System Map

Environmental Priorities

The Greece Case Study - Risks and Opportunities

Perceived Risks

 Transformation of RE policy

 Unstable economic environment

 High cost of capital

 Grid Connection



 Solar radiance

 Lower costs

 Role of local authorities

 Chance for a stable regulatory framework

 Social acceptance

More information at the Greek Case study are available at the Results Webpage of TRANSrisk Website.


The TRANSrisk project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642260.

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