TRANSrisk Workshop Assessing Uncertainties and Risks in the Transition to Low Carbon and Sustainable Societies, 3-4 July 2017, Bilbao, Spain

Monday, 3 July, 2017 - 08:00 to Tuesday, 4 July, 2017 - 17:00

TRANSrisk workshop "Assessing Uncertainties and Risks in the Transition to Low Carbon and Sustainable Societies" took place on the 3rd and 4th of July 2017, at BC3 offices in Bilbao, Spain.

In the workshop the work implemented so far in relation to stakeholder engagement processes and the implications of different transition pathways was presented. Also, the different existing pathways were assessed through a risk and uncertainty lens in order to be implemented in the TRANSrisk case studies.

More particularly, TRANSrisk case study leaders presented the transition pathways applicable to each case study, as well as the main risks (barriers, negative outcomes) and uncertainties associated with them. Also, the different inter-model comparison exercises that will take place in TRANSrisk were discussed and designed.

Moreover, Margarita Mediavilla, researcher of the University of Valladolid (UVa) partner of the MEDEAS project, participated in the meeting and gave a presentation on “Assessing the risks of a 100% renewable energy transition in the EU”. Particularly, she demonstrated the objectives of MEDEAS project and illustrated the recent results of UVa’s group in relation to MEDEAS-World model. Also, she participated in an open discussion on the ways TRANSrisk and MEDEAS projects have learned from the risk associated to the transition to a low carbon economy.

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