BC3 Summer School Climate Change in an Era of Uncertainty, 5-7 July 2017, San Sebastian, Spain

Wednesday, 5 July, 2017 - 08:00 to Friday, 7 July, 2017 - 14:30

Researchers from TRANSrisk participated in the 8th edition of BC3 Summer School, entitled "Climate Change in an Era of Uncertainty", which was held on 5th -7th July 2017, at Palacio Miramar, San Sebastian, Spain.

The BC3 Summer School is a multidisciplinary three-day course that provides the latest climate science knowledge and insights from some of the best climate experts from leading universities and research centers in Europe. The 2017 edition of the Summer School dealt with some of the critical issues and debates that currently predominate in the climate policy arena. The course is structured in three parts: the first devoted to climate science, the second focusing on impacts and adaptation, and the third centered on mitigation and climate policy.

For more information on the Summer School visit the relevant website.


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