TRANSrisk Newsletter: Issue #5, October 2016

TRANSition Pathways and RISK Analysis

for Climate Change Mitigation and

Adaptation Strategies

Issue #5 October 2016


TRANSrisk is an EU funded research project aiming to innovatively transform the way in which climate change policy pathways are developed.

TRANSrisk seeks to understand the costs, level of public acceptance, and the risks, uncertainties and co-effects associated with different mitigation pathways and low-carbon technologies.

In order to help policymakers manage uncertainties TRANSrisk will gather data via 15 case studies from the EU and other regions, and employ a variety of different models to explore scenarios and pathways.

TRANSrisk will also engage a wide range of stakeholders to help develop credible transition pathways, thus integrating quantitative and qualitative analysis in a unique and innovative way.


TRANSrisk & Towards2030-dialogue joint event in Athens

25 October 2016, NTUA premises, Athens, Greece

TRANSrisk and Towards2030-dialogue will co-organise a workshop entitled "Towards a Low-Carbon European Union - The Case of Greece" at NTUA premises in Athens on the 25th of October 2016.

The workshop will foster discussions on policy challenges and pathways for meeting the 2030 RES target, with a special focus on the prospects of Greece towards a low carbon future.

Download the Agenda here!


Register here!


TRANSrisk Case Studies Workshop in Brighton, October 2016

The TRANSrisk Case Studies Workshop in Brighton was implemented on the 4th and 5th of October 2016 at the University of Sussex.

The key objective of the workshop was to present the progress so far, next steps and the application of the System Mapping tool for each country case study, namely Austria, Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Kenya, China, India, Indonesia, Chile, UK, Canada and Greece. Small discussion groups discussed among others the development of pathways in case studies and quantitative and qualitative approaches.

The highlight of the event was the active participation and contribution of the Scientific Advisory Board Members providing valuable suggestions and key input regarding TRANSrisk case study research. Fruitful discussions took place among TRANSrisk partners and the Advisory Board Members covering important issues on the future actions of the work.

Find more here.


"TRANSrisk Case Study Analysis" Article in JIQ Magazine

Article "TRANSrisk Case Study Analysis: Context Analysis for Low-Emission Transition Pathways" analyses the application of system mapping tool in TRANSrisk case studies.

The JIQ Magazine can be found here.


Literature Review on Uncertainties & Risks for Climate Policy

TRANSrisk made a comprehensive literature review in order to explore the risks and uncertainties which are associated with different climate policy choices. A well structured process was established in order to guide the review that includ-ed more than 400 articles.

More information is available in deliverable D5.1 Review of key uncertainties and risks for climate policy.



The TRANSrisk project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642260.

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