TRANSrisk & Towards2030-dialogue Regional Workshop, 25 October 2016, Athens, Greece

Tuesday, 25 October, 2016 -
09:00 to 15:00

TRANSrisk and Towards2030-dialogue co-organised the joint workshop "Towards a Low-Carbon European Union - The Case of Greece" at NTUA premises in Athens on the 25th of October 2016.

All workshop participants had the opportunity to enjoy the Towards2030-dialogue outcomes as well as TRANSrisk’s outcomes and work implemented so far.

The workshop incorporated three sessions regarding the 2030 RES target and their policy challenges and pathways towards achieving it, the case of low-carbon transition at national level in Greece, and an interactive stakeholder discussion panel.

More specifically, Towards2030-dialogue representatives outlined the 2030 RES targets and the effort sharing among the EU member states, as well as the policy challenges and pathways for meeting them.

Moreover, partners from Greece analysed the case of Greece regarding a transition to a low carbon future.

Lastly, fruitful discussion among the stakeholders took place, in which valuable input and feedback regarding the Greek case study was collected.

There were 43 stakeholders from government representatives, regulators, RES industry associations, energy agencies, and scientific community from the respective regions that participated at the workshop.

Moreover, the workshop established a Towards2030-dialogue and TRANSrisk partnership that mutually and jointly contributed in the increase of dialogue and appropriate incorporation of stakeholders' feedback in issues towards a Low-Carbon European Union.

The workshops presentations are available below.

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