TRANSrisk hosted the lunch debate "The Role of Behavioural Change and Human Innovation Systems in Mitigation Policies: Findings from the Horizon 2020 TRANSrisk Project". The debate was held on Tuesday March 7th at room number BU24 00/036, Commission Building BU24, Avenue de Beaulieu 24, 1160 Brussels (Auderghem).
Mainstream literature on climate change concentrates overwhelmingly on technological solutions. This session explored the potential role of behavioural change in meeting carbon reduction targets, focusing on two outputs from the TRANSrisk project. The first presents the potential impact of adoption of ‘climate friendly behaviour’ amongst the public, whilst the second explores the potential role of behaviour change in an industrial setting (the Austrian iron and steel sector).
Findings on climate change mitigation via behavioural changes can be found in TRANSrisk report D4.2: Implications of different “heterodox” mitigation policies: the role of behavioural changes.
Stay tuned for more!